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2004 season

Match Date Versus H/A Ist Innings 2nd Innings Result
1 23.05.04 Walthamstow Horizontals A WH 160 for 8 PS 161 for 7 won
2 30.05.04 London Utopers H PS 246 for 8 LU 248 for 3 lost
3 06.06.04 Wessex H PS 184 for 9 W 185 for 0 lost
4 20.06.04 Battersea Bohemians A BB 262 for 7 PS 117 for 7 drawn
5 27.06.04 Chudley Ales A CA 200 for 9 PS 1 for 1 drawn
6 04.07.04 Salmagundi Gardeners H SG 125 all out PS 126 for 4 won
7 16.07.04 Railway Taverners A PS 130 for 3 RT 132 for 5 lost
8 18.07.04 Insignificants CC H PS 187for 4 ICC 180 all out won
9 01.08.04 Stumps A PS 142 for 9 S 146 for 5 lost
10 70.08.04 Blackheath A PS 110 for 9 B 112 for 1 lost
11 15.08.04 Queen Adelaide H QA 244 all out PS 229 for 8 lost
12 21.08.04 Chippenham A C 209 for 6 PS 115 all out lost
13 29.08.04 Albertine H PS 160 for 5 A 162 for 5 lost
14 04.09.04 Estonia (1st innings) TOUR ECC 66 for 5 PS 84 for 5
Estonia (2nd innings) ECC 62 for 6 PS 45 for 2 won
15 12.9.04 Chudley Ales H CA 275 for 9 PS 279 for 5 won
16 19.9.04 Walthamstow Horizontals H WH 173 all out PS 146 all out lost
Estonia Indoor 6-a-side matches:
1 03.09.04 Little Strollers v Estonia A ECC 67 for 4 LPS 21 all out LPS lost by 46runs
2 03.09.04 Big Strollers v Estonia A ECC 37 all out BPS 38 for 3 BPS won by 2 wkts
3 03.09.04 Big Strollers v Little Strollers A LPS 42 for 4 BPS 44 for 4 BPS won by 1 wkt
Result: Big Strollers (J Masters (cpt), M Cardoe, R Dwyer, C Horwood, G Richardson, G Barker, JJ Masters) win tournament
Little Strollers (K Smith, G Holmes, M Morgan, C Deavin, R Betts, S Garvey) finish last

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