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AGM report
posted: November 18, 2024

Comeback kid Harry claims the captaincy at AGM

Pimlico Strollers AGM 2024

After our brief foray to The Joiners bar in Finchley 12 months ago, we returned to the more familiar surroundings of The White Horse in Soho for this year's AGM last Friday. With the 14 Strollers in attendance initially crammed round a small table by the bar we gladly were able to adjourn upstairs to get down to business and settle the matters of state at hand after enjoying a sumptious supper with assorted scotch eggs.

Most importantly the Bucket Of Justice was brought forth as always by returning officer Matt Morgan to spill out who should assume the captaincy of our fine club for the 2025 season. After Spencer took a strong initial lead ahead of four other nominees, by the final round of voting, Harry made a stunning comeback of Trump-esque proportions to clinch the top job. Spencer however secured a strong vote of confidence to serve as Vice Captain for the year ahead with our sincere thanks for his fine spell at the helm for the season just gone – notching up an impressive final tally of 10 wins, 3 losses and a draw.

In other news, the season and updated career averages were shared and awards were presented to Gaurav as our Bowler of the Year (who took 16 wickets at an average of 16.25), Harry as Batsman of the Year (scoring 222 runs at 31.71) whilst Abhik had already collected his gong for Stroller of the Year at the end of our final game – deserved reward for his fine season having scored 275 runs at 39.29 and taking 13 wickets at 14.62. Congratulations to all!

Lastly, a decision was taken to reduce the number of fixtures we commit to next year in an effort to stem the number of cancellations due to poor availability. Additionally there was a consensus to return to play as many home matches as possible at North London supplemented by games at other venues, potentially including south of the river. And, of course, with the exciting prospect of our return tour to Porto over the weekend of 17/18 May there is to look forward to in 2025.

Thanks to everyone who attended – a thoroughly enjoyable evening for everyone present!

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In attendance: Saurabh Agarwal, Ron Banerjee, Richard Betts, George Brown, Harry Brown, Viral Doshi, Gaurav Jain, Rohit Kawathekar, Matt Morgan, Parth Patel, Gavin Richardson, Ali Rookes, Tim Sturm

Gavin Richardson

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